Thursday, November 28, 2019

Darwins Theory Of Iq Essays - Biology, Behavior,

Darwin's Theory Of Iq The famous naturalist Charles Darwin presented the theory of natural selection. He went on many journeys on sea and on land, following his interests of the nature and the change that happens in the nature, i.e., the change in species. Following his exposure to many different kinds of birds, insects and animals, he explained Natural Selection as presentation of favorable variations and the rejecting of injurious variations.(131). Darwin used analogies and metaphors to demonstrate that different alterations occurred in the same specie, which helped them to adapt to their surroundings. Darwin's theory of natural selection was based on the following facts: 1) organisms increase more rapidly than their food supply. He quotes that there are finite number of resources, therefore making him a Neo-Malthusian. 2) Due to natural selection, there is never overpopulation in animals, because some of them will be eliminated at a young age due to unfavorable environment. 3) Due to limited resources, all life forms struggle to survive, but only the superior ones survive. 4) Those individuals that possess some characteristic that are useful in adapting the environment increase their chances of survival, and produce more offspring with the favorable characteristic and pass them to the next generations. Due to the variations in characteristic and physical changes, the new individual will eventually become so distinct that they will constitute different specie. Sexual competition is an important aspect that depends, not on a struggle for existence, but on a struggle between the males for the possession of the females (136). It does not affect the death of the recessive individual, but it results in fewer or no offspring for that male. Victory depends on special traits. For example: a hornless stag or spur less cock would not have a good chance of leaving offspring. Darwin provides graphic examples of species warfare by saying male salmons have been seen fighting all day long; male stag-beetles often bear wounds from the huge mandibles of other males (136). These weapons and shields of animals are as important for victory as swords or spears, are for humans. Sexual selection also involves attracting females by show or aesthetics; some birds as Guiana display their gorgeous plumage and perform strange antics in front of the females, who choose the most attractive partner for them. Darwin believed that when the males and females of any animal have the same general habits of life, but differ in structure, color, or ornament, such differences have been mainly caused by sexual selection (137). Darwin illustrates the action of natural selection in various ways. A weak wolf can still survive, if the number of dear increase in its territory. Cats have a tendency to catch rats rather than mice, because that characteristic is inherited is inherited. Even if a slight difference in the habit of an individual can better suit the individual for survival. Darwin says, if any slight change innate change of habit or of structure benefited an individual wolf, it would have the best chance of surviving and of leaving offspring (139). Darwin compares natural selection to animal husbandry by saying, a breeder selects for some definite object, and free intercrossing will wholly stop his work. (148). He explains intercrossing that it affects those animals, which do not breed at a quick rate. Darwin gives a real world example of a breeder, who selects for distinct objects in specie, resulting liberated intercrossing to stop. The new animals do not cross with the inferior ones. There would be an improvement and alteration in the animal, if many men have the same standard of exactness. As Darwin says Intercrossing plays an important part in nature in keeping the individuals of the same species, or the same variety, true and uniform in character. (149) Darwin used a daily life example of a nurseryman, who prefers getting seed from large body of the same variety that results in decreasing the intercrossing with other varieties. Isolation is a method that acts efficiently in checking the immigration of better-adapted organisms, after an alteration in the climate. There are more chances of modification and of spreading widely on a large area then on a small area. Darwin presents his theory of Extinction as:

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Anorexia Nervosa

ever. An estimated one thousand females will die each year from anorexia. About eighty percent of females suffer from a sub clinical eating disorder and twenty percent will turn into full-blown anorexics in their lifetime. These are statistics that we know of. Many young girls who are suffering from Anorexia will hide it well, many of their closest relatives, and friends won’t even realize what is going on. Once again if thousands of people die, that is no way of life. â€Å"Anna† the code name for Anorexia is a disease and people need to realize this. Once you become affiliated with â€Å"Anna† you go through a very powerful struggle to keep the illness from taking over your life. A way of life huh? I find this statement repulsive. â€Å"Anna† is a serious problem, that needs medical treatment. Many people suffering from this illness, may not even realize what’s going on. They may not realize that rapid weigh loss or restricted eating is a serio us problem. Anorexia may not be noticed in the early stages because it often starts as an innocent diet. Many often become hyperactive because they exercise frantically in an attempt to burn calories to lose weight. Even though the anorexic is emaciated, the individual still ... Free Essays on Anorexia Nervosa Free Essays on Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa Most people say that Anorexia Nervosa is a way of life, I disagree with that. Anorexia Nervosa, is not a way of life, it is a very dangerous eating disorder that usually strikes teenage girls, and women between the ages of fifteen and thirty five. How can you call an eating disorder a way of life? Many female girls struggle with appearance, I for one am very time consuming with my looks. I spend lots of time prepping in front of the full body mirror, along with the millions of other females in this world. The one word that you can walk down the street and are guaranteed to hear come from a females mouth is â€Å"I’m fat†. These two words can be the most harmful and dangerous words ever. An estimated one thousand females will die each year from anorexia. About eighty percent of females suffer from a sub clinical eating disorder and twenty percent will turn into full-blown anorexics in their lifetime. These are statistics that we know of. Many young girls who are suffering from Anorexia will hide it well, many of their closest relatives, and friends won’t even realize what is going on. Once again if thousands of people die, that is no way of life. â€Å"Anna† the code name for Anorexia is a disease and people need to realize this. Once you become affiliated with â€Å"Anna† you go through a very powerful struggle to keep the illness from taking over your life. A way of life huh? I find this statement repulsive. â€Å"Anna† is a serious problem, that needs medical treatment. Many people suffering from this illness, may not even realize what’s going on. They may not realize that rapid weigh loss or restricted eating is a serio us problem. Anorexia may not be noticed in the early stages because it often starts as an innocent diet. Many often become hyperactive because they exercise frantically in an attempt to burn calories to lose weight. Even though the anorexic is emaciated, the individual still ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Grant Wood, How Painting Influenced his Life Essay

Grant Wood, How Painting Influenced his Life - Essay Example The essay "Grant Wood, How Painting Influenced his Life" discovers the art of Grant Wood. He began with painting advertisements and flyers in order to maintain a stable but low source of income and then moved on to sketching and painting home dà ©cor, overseeing stain glass making and other such jobs. With time, he began to absorb larger influences within his life and one of the first of such influences was regionalism; Wood associated himself with the regionalism that prevailed within the Midwest and took to painting themes concerned with rural American backgrounds, homes and people, ‘in an aggressive rejection of European abstraction.’ Wood was extremely influenced by the repression faced by the rural people in America at the time and felt their pain probably because he belonged to a similar background; thus his American Gothic, one of the most renowned paintings after Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Munch’s The Scream, reflected his personal ideals and brought him immediate recognition. The painting depicts a man and a woman, dressed in 19th century American clothing that the rural or working class wore; the man is holding a pitchfork in his hand symbolizing the hard work and laborious effort that one had to use in order to earn their daily bread. The countenances of both the man and the woman speak for the artist excellently as they display the frustration and annoyance, along with stress and tension that the couple have been bearing throughout their lives, and know that they have to continue this way. in order to sustain each other. The couple interestingly however is a man and his daughter, and not a married couple, further suggesting the difficult lives that people at the time lived that they could not even get their daughters married. For this particular piece of work, Wood has stated that his influence lies in Eldon, a place in the southern part of Iowa, where one can still find a number of gothic styled buildings and architecture with pointed roofs and medieval windows. The house in the background of his painting has been inspired from one such home in southern Iowa and the atmosphere that it adorned also provided him the influence to imagine the kind of people that might have lived within that house. Wood was extremely interested in studying the nature of the working class and the same may be seen in the detailing of the clothes in his painting as he took every care in order to depict the life of a true family living in the era of gothic life. Wood himself has also stated that his influences arise from northern renaissance paintings and that his technique could be traced to a number of such European paintings. (European Traditions in Grant Wood) Though an American, Wood heavily loved the severity with which European artists made their work; he travelled to Europe a few times in order to adopt the Impressionistic style of art as well as adorn his art with surrealistic touches. While he was in Paris, he was g reatly influenced by Seurat’s work entitled Un Dimanche a la Grande Jatte and Wood’s Dinner For Threshers displays a resemblance to Seurat’s work. He experimented with his work a great deal after returning to America and began to develop his own style instead of trying to be like a European artist; he made contemporary paintings, influenced by images around him for example his mother, to whom he dedicated Woman with Plants. Many of his paintings have also emerged from the pain that he felt due to the historical

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pathway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pathway - Essay Example Moreover, design thinking can be applied to several global issues like healthcare issues. I have completed the courses and learned about pathway themes in classes. Design thinking is used as a guide in designing of products and process in order to satisfy the customers. Innovation in products and services is also emphasized by design thinking. It is an analytical thinking process that will help me to achieve goals. My major is business management, and the courses that I took for my pathway are MGMT 6 (Business Ethic), MGMT 80 (International Business), and OMIS 17 (Business Computing). Design thinking will help me to analyze several issues and facts in international business practices. Moreover, the concepts of design thinking can be used to innovatively conduct a synthesis to formulate solutions to different issues. The concepts of design thinking will help me to analyze business ethics in the business practices of several global and domestic firms to find solutions to problems. Answ er 2 Analysis: Disciplinary Perspectives on an Issue Business practices of breastfeeding products are a global issue that can be examined through several approaches that are identified in MGMT 80 and MGMT 6. Nestle is one of the leading food product companies in global market. The company was engaged in some unethical business practices. The marketing strategy that Nestle implemented was unethical. These unethical marketing strategies have destabilized the potentiality of breast feeding products in several developed and developing countries. These in adequate strategies have affected the brand image and business performance of Nestle badly in the global market. The same kind of Issue can be looked at through the lens of International Business Practice. My MGMT 80 class studied the business practices of global firms. I have realized from the class that an organization that is doing international business practices must take into account the different customer standards. On the other hand, they must also be able to maximize their profit. For an example, Wal-Mart the leading retail chain in the global market had to face several problems regarding the selling of furniture in America. They had violated the environmental law by using the natural resources in an unethical way. Therefore, they had to stop the selling of wooden furniture. In order to regain their reputation they started several social activities. For an example, Wal-Mart delivered 100 truckloads of free goods, 20 million US Dollar in cash and food for 100,000 meals in order to help the people of US who were affected by devastating Hurricane Katrina. The social activities helped the company to once again maximize their profit. Applying the concepts of design thinking in Accounting and information systems, I can effectively appraise the business practices of global firms. Accounting and information systems have helped me to gather a concrete knowledge and understanding of business ethics issues in busine ss practices. The understanding of the issues and required analytical skills will help me to understand the business environment factors. These will help me in the near future when I will start my career in this competitive global market. Answer 3 Reflection: Looking Back and Looking Forward Learning about this pathway theme helps me to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Assignment two-Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Assignment two-Culture - Research Paper Example Because of faster evolution of the globalized trends, the consumers are getting increasingly aware of their needs and wants. It needs to be stated that the better and well developed connectivity is helping in the process of rapid dispersion of global trends to the emerging markets from the well established markets, thereby creating the opportunity for development of consumer demands. This increase in consumer demand is having a direct impact on the level of competition existing in the market place. Faced by growing domestic demands in the marketplace, companies with various homogenous kinds of product and services offerings which are located in various world markets are focusing to enter the new markets as they promote significant amount of business opportunity. It is important to state that because of the entrance of companies in new markets, the level of market competition has significantly increased. It is highly interesting to state that the rise in competition in the market plac e has created the demand for talented workers as well as significant job opportunities. Working class masses that have the necessary skills and experience that are needed for working in the competitive corporate environments and were previously residing in various rural and sub urban locations in multiple countries around the world are strongly migrating to the new cities. Because of this shift for jobs, people from various cultures, religion as well as varying personal faiths and beliefs are coming to the newer cities and taking the jobs in the business organizations present there. This automatically triggers diversity in regards to culture in the workplace. This research paper intends to focus on the theme of whether the cultural differences influence the human resource managemen

Friday, November 15, 2019

Critical Evaluation of the research methodologies

Critical Evaluation of the research methodologies 1. Introduction: In this report I have critically reviewed the methodologies which are used by Chevrier in her research paper. In this paper I have revealed whether she has used the correct methodology for her research or not, whether her evidence support her findings or not and I have mentioned an alternative methods to improve her conclusion. Chevrier paper aims at better understanding the dynamics of international project groups and she focuses on how project leaders manage the cultural differences to overcome and to use national cultures, ethnic diversity efficiently and effectively in the multinational project team. In her research she has depict three kinds of cross-cultural practices which were implemented by the project leaders. With these findings she has proposed a strategy to enhance the functioning of cross-cultural projects. I think the methodology which she has used in this research i.e. Case study is largely fine but not an effective one instead of this if she had used Grounded theory methodology for this research it would have been much more better research. I argue that the three case studies which she has chosen is not a typical one of all the multinational project groups. I argue that the Data collection technique which she has used in this research i.e. informal discussion is not a good technique to collect the data from participant. I argue that the strategy which she has proposed doesnt hold good for all types of cross-cultural project groups. 2. Literature review: Research can be a tricky, fascinating, awkward, tedious, annoying, hilarious, confusing, disturbing, mechanical, sociable, isolating, surprising, sweaty, messy, systematic, costly, draining, iterative, contradictory, open-ended process (Anthias, 2002) Methodology is identical to a research model employed by a researcher in a particular project, including basic knowledge related to the subject and research methods in question and the framework employed in a particular context (Sarantakos, 1998 cited Lather, 1992:87). Sarantakos (1998) relates the nature of Methodology to a theoretical and more abstract context, and perceives it in conjuction with distinctive, unidimensional, and mutually exclusive theoretical principles. Methodologies offers the research principles which are related closely to a distinct paradigm translated clearly and accurately, down to guidelines on acceptable research practices. Methodology is determined not by the research model but rather by principles of research entailed in a paradigm. Case-study research involves studying individual cases, often in their natural environment, and for a long period of time and employs a number of methods of data collection and analysis. (Sarantakos, 1998 cited Kromrey, 1986:320) 3. Critical Analysis of her Methodology: In this research the Methodology which is used by Chevrier is Case study. I think to do this research survey studies or experimental strategies will be too complex to implement, this is the main reason for Sylvie to choose Case study as the Methodology for this research. Generally case studies are done by a researcher when he/she is interested in the structure, process and outcomes of a single unit. (Sarantakos, 1998) Case studies are done by a researcher when he/she wants to extract data from a single field of study. Here Chevrier has chosen Engineering (i.e. three Project groups) as a field of study in which she has extracted the data and processed into information in which it will fit into the research topic. But this research topic demands to do study on all different kinds of field; but Sylvie hasnt done it, this is the main drawback of this research paper. In this research Chevrier focuses on how project leaders deal with cultural differences to surmount and even benefit from the variety of national cultures in their team. They have studied three cross-cultural practices that the project leaders explicitly or implicitly use to manage their international team and also studied the related outcomes from these practices. I think some methods and techniques which are used by Chevrier in her research paper doesnt holds good to the research topic. I think the samples(case studies) which she has chosen for this research doesnt sounds well because she has chosen only three international project groups to study the cross-cultural practices which are implemented in the team and moreover all these three project groups has the same background i.e. engineering. I believe just three project groups of the same background will not give a good weightage to her research paper. This is mainly because other than these three project groups there are different types of multinational project groups in which they are directly related to the cross-cultural management which I think she should have taken into this research paper. This research paper is pointing towards Multinational groups but the project groups which she has chosen has only people who are from European countries and Brasil, it misses out people who are from Asia, Africa and Australia. In this field work data is collected from Formal interviews, attendance to their meetings as a participant observer and informal discussions. I think the Primary data obtained from the formal interviews with project leaders and project members will be useful to analyse the data in this research and this data is important because the members of the project groups are the one who will be following cross-cultural practices and they will be knowing whether these practices are useful or not . In her research she has used participant observer as a data collection technique. I think it is a good technique for collecting the data in this research. Since her team will be a part of the cross-cultural group so they can observe easily how the team members/managers will behave and whether they are following the cross-cultural practices or not. They have attended even meetings to collect the data I think this is the place where they might have got a good data because this is a place where they can observe whether the managers and leaders are following cross-cultural practices or are they giving any importance to it or not. Chevrier and her team was also present daily among the project groups particularly for project 1(for 2 project weeks) and project 2(for 2  ½ months), I think daily presence in a project group is important because generally people wont behave same way in every time/day and also we cant judge their behaviour on cross-cultural practices in a single day. So daily presence in a project group will give a good data for the researcher but interesting point in her data collection is she or her team was not present daily for project team 3 but they were present only in project team 1 2 and that to in project team 1 they were present daily with team for just 2 ‘project weeks, so I dont think within these 2 weeks they have collected a strong data because in just 2 weeks it is less practical to summarize their behaviour. I think the primary data which they have collected in project team 2 will be useful because for 2  ½ months they were daily present with the team so with this time they will be in a better position to judge their behaviour with respect to cross-cultural. I also think that the Informal discussion which she has used in this research is not an effective technique. I agree this technique partially and I also disagree partially. I think this technique should be used depending on the situation in the working environment; if the working environment is not so good then there is no use of having discussion with them because the interviewee may give answers simply just to pass time. I think they should use only when the team members are in a good mood and moreover this discussions will take place mainly during lunch time of the employees, this is the time where most of the employee will relax, spend time with their colleagues and chat with them, if Chevrier and her group starts to discuss with these employees then most of them wont be interested and they will just say something or they will give less answers so that the discussion will be over fast. She has analysed the collected data by Cutting of Tran scripted interviews and meeting notes by theme. She has prepared a monograph for each and every theme which I think its a good idea and it will be useful for comparing all the themes. This type of comparison will help to find out the common and uncommon features of all the cases 4. Will her evidence support her findings? I think the evidence which she has used in Case 1 will support her findings. This is a project group of European consortium set up to make RD in the telecommunication industry. The contract which is signed by these companies designates one company as a primary contractor which will appoint a project leader among its engineers. We know that the newly appointed project leader has no hierarchical authority over the other partners due to this he/she cannot demand anything from other partners, infact he/she cant expect that other partners will involve totally (100% commitment) in this project and there is also a possibility that this may also lead to lack of institutional management with the other partners. In this project the leader has to take some technical decisions in which sometimes it may not be accepted by the other partners as she found this from Northern Europe and especially from Scandinavia that they only speak up when they disagree with what is being said. These project groups were not totally involved in the project. In this case the project leader has no choice he has to tolerate with these kinds of partners. This is what Chevrier has found that the leader explicitly or implicitly relies on tolerance of team members to surmount difficulties. The project group (RD consortium) has people from different countries; definitely all of them will have different opinion on Cross-cultural activity. Some may tolerate the diversity and some may not. Chevrier has found out different opinions from the interviewees e.g. In multinational teams some team members tend to forget the nationality of their colleague to focus on technical issues. Oppositely, the second part of interviewees says that they make their best to struggle against prejudices, stereotypes and ethnocentrism. In the 2nd case of Chevrier it is said that the greatest difficulty for the project manager is to make the work required for his own project a priority for team members who are very much in demand. If this is the case most of the manager tries to protect his team members to work in his project because every manager will have some task to complete, so to do this task without skilled workers in his team it will be difficult for him to complete it. If the manager couldnt maintain these workers in his team then there is every chance of showing less interest in the project. This is what happened to Swiss manager as it is told in Chevrier paper that â€Å"Swiss manager straightforwardly declared he did not want to make any difference and was careful to manage all team members the same way.† Chevrier has also backed up this argument by giving the reference of Laurent (1998), â€Å"we observed that when managers encounter cross-cultural differences, they often do nothing and consider that it is legitimate not to talk about them.† In case 1 the main job of the project leader is to maintain a strong institutional management with the other partners. Since the leader doesnt have the hierarchical authority over the other partners it will be difficult to manage all the other partners. His main job is to get the task done, since he doesnt has the upper hand over other project members it will be difficult for him to give orders for other groups to complete the job. In chevriers research, for this problem she has founded that â€Å"developing personal relationship with one another in a team will set up working arrangements more easily. If they know each other very well, it will help them to become acquainted with one other†. This strategy will suit only for RD consortium project group because in this project all its partners doesnt know each other so this strategy may enable effective mutual agreements between all the partners. But it doesnt suit for Electrical engineering project infact it can reinforce negative stereotypes and polarization between cultural groups. This is true because in this project the Swiss manager straightforwardly declared that he did not want to make any difference and was interested to manage all team members the same way, if this strategy (developing personal relationship) is implemented in this project group it may result in other way because due to less involvement by Swiss manger there is a more chance of negative stereotypes and polarization between cultural groups. This may lead in such a way that project may not complete. The strategy which is proposed in this paper by Chevrirer (cultural mediator) suits good for some multinational project groups but for some project groups it doesnt. Since in this strategy cultural mediator has to invite the project members quite regularly to find out the exact problem, this is possible only when all the project members are meeting together quite regularly at some place but this strategy cannot be applied to some multi-national groups where the project members wont meet regularly. However, in a multi national group most of the time the project groups will be from different countries so it is not practical to implement this strategy because all groups are from different countries and also it will be difficult for all the members to attend the meeting if it is put up by cultural mediator. As we can see in RD consortium group all the team members meet each other only four or five times a year. During these weeks all the project members will be busy with other partners about their plan and objectives in their project. So if this strategy is applied to this group then cultural mediator will not find sufficient time to spend with the team members to talk about their problematic situations which have encountered. I think this strategy can be applied to the project team in electrical engineering because this team is composed of a project manager, engineers who are all located in a single building but in a different floor. In this team cultural mediator can easily set up a meeting with the team members and find out the problematic situations which have encountered. Even in the product development project have subsidiaries which are located in different countries such as Germany, France, Belgium and Italy and co-ordinating the development process is in charge by ‘‘central group which is located in the French subsidiary. So even in this project group cultural mediator will find difficult to set up a meeting to talk about their problematic situations which have encountered. I think she has not justified all the problems which will occur in the multinational group. For e.g.— Race can be a problem in the group. Merriam in their research has found that â€Å"Racism was the specific dominating factor in cross cultural groups†. Color As an issue of concern amongst Blacks, colorism is examined and debated in Black communities in a less than open manner. This intraracial discrimination among Blacks gives preferential treatment to those who have lighter skin shades. (Merriam 5. Alternative Methodology: I think Grounded theory analysis will be a better approach for this research because in this research topic we need to analyse more number of case studies, interviews and observation so I think grounded theory will be the best methodology for this research. Another reason for using grounded theory techniques is â€Å"Grounded theorising is well suited to capturing the interpretive experiences of owner/managers/employees and developing theoretical propositions from them.† Rowlands B. (2005 cited from Strauss Corbin 1990) From the above reason we can say that, Since Chevriers research is related to the cross-cultural practices which are followed by Leaders, Managers, and Team members, so this methodology will be very useful in gathering and analysing the data. Similarly, Grounded theory has been effectively used in recent Information System research to develop theory of Information System practice. Rowlands B. (2005 cited from Urquhart, 1997) In choosing the International project groups Chevrier has chosen the groups in which all groups has the same background i.e. Engineering. Instead of choosing three project groups from a single background she could have chosen three project groups from different fields. Because choosing a sample project group which is typical to that environment is very important and the data collected from this typical one will bee much stronger than the data which she has collected from the three Engineering project groups. I think Ethnographic interview will be useful to get valuable data from the interviewee. The main aim of this type of interview is to study the Culture of the people and to find out how it will impact on the people behaviour. â€Å"It aims to discover or understand the culture of people in their social environment and of explaining the social justification of their role and position in that culture.†(Sarantakos, 1998). This interview would have helped her in finding the culture of the project members/leaders and based on her understanding on their culture she could have compared with the Cross-cultural practices which were implemented by the management and she could have got a better result. If Chevrier had used all the above methodology in her research, I think this would have improved her research conclusion. 6. Conclusion: In this paper I have revealed that the methodology which is used by chevrier for her research is not a good one. I have shown that some of her methodology which she has used is not effective with respect to the research. The three case study which she has chosen in her research is not a typical one because all the case studies had the same background i.e. Engineering, instead of that she could have chosen case studies which are from different background and I also showed that the data collected from participant observation in project group 2 was strong. I showed that the data collected from informal discussion technique was not good. This paper reveals that Ethnographic interview and Grounded theory would have helped her to collect the strong data and to analyse the data which she has collected. I have shown that up to what extent of her evidence will support her findings. In this paper I have also concluded that her proposed strategy will holds good only if all the project members/g roups are in the same company or at least in the same country, it doesnt suit if all the project members/groups are in a different countries. 8. Bibliography: Sarantakos S.,(1998).Social reseach, 2nd edition, Macmillan Education: Australia, Chapter 8, pp 33,191,251. Floya Anthias,( 2002) Where do I belong?: Narrating collective identity and translocational positionality, [Online] Accessed from: [Accessed on: 05/11/07] Merriam S.,, Power and Positionality: Negotiating Insider/Outsider Status in Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Research, [Online] Accessed from: http://merriamsetal1-final.pdf [Accessed on: 05/11/07] Rowlands B., (2005), Grounded in Practice: Using Interpretive Research to Build Theory, [Online] Accessed from: http://v3-i1-art7-rowlands.pdf [Accessed on: 03/12/07]

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Graduation Speech: Christ is Still the Only Way :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

For the last 18 years or so, we have been influenced and directed by parents, teachers, and other authority figures. We have been told when to get up, when to work, when to play, when to eat, sleep, come home, go out, etc., etc., etc. Now we are moving on. As we do, let me remind you of two principles we have been taught, the principle of freedom and the principle of success. As adults, a whole new world of personal freedom awaits us. Freedom is a wonderful gift. It is similar to a coin with two sides. Those of us with a driver's license understand these two concepts every time we get into a car. In your car, where you go, how fast you go, and what route you will take are all up to you. You are free to make those choices. However, this freedom also means that you must be responsible. Why does the law require that we have insurance? Because the moment you take control of the vehicle, you become accountable for every one of your actions until your vehicle reaches its destination. You have the freedom to go as fast as you want, but the law will discipline you if you go too fast. You have freedom to take any road you want, but not every road will take you to your desired destination. Life is very much like driving. You are free to choose any one of the many options before you both now and in the future, but not every option will take you where God would want you to go. Proverbs 16:9: The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. You can choose to live in the so-called "fast lane" without any sense of responsibility, but are you ready to pay the price? Proverbs 14:12: There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. In order to remain truly free you must learn to balance personal choices with biblical responsibility. Live your life to the fullest, mindful that we will all someday give an account to God for our actions. As you enjoy this tremendous gift called freedom, stay accountable to God because that's the only way to maximize your potential for success. This brings me to my second point. Most people don't really understand success, at least not as the Bible defines it.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Beowulf Essay

English 1001 Beowulf Essay The element of religious tension is common in Anglo-Saxon writings, but a pagan story with a Christian narrator is unusual. â€Å"Much of the poem’s narrative intervention reveals that the poet’s culture was different from that of his ancestors† and also that of his characters (Watson). There are many different perceptions to the reasons why the author wrote Beowulf. The best answer, in my opinion, was that the author was creating a magical and intriguing story that had an underlying theme to it.Christianity was a newly introduced religion to the western Europeans at the time and I believe that someone would have written about it, or at least the conflicts that came with it. This is just a background in which time period the story was told, even more evidence to this interpretation is buried in the actual text. Though still an old pagan story, Beowulf was told by a Christian poet. People believe the epic Beowulf is a story full of pagan tradition. However, Beowulf is really a Christian-based story, in which Christianity prevails. Nature is accommodating; death and fate are controllable; man can reconcile with the world; and the main character, a hero and representative of good, triumphs over evil and does not fail in the end† (Perrello). The way the author incorporated many side notes, of what seemed to be other tales told at the time that may not have ever been saved like this one, was an amazing mystery for our present day historians to try and solve. The beginning of the story is where we find our first sign of Christianity, as the poem goes, â€Å"Afterward a boy-child was born to Shield, a cub in the yard, a comfort sent by God to that nation† (Beowulf 12-14).This child was a blessing for this tribe and was the uprising of their downfall and this is where we see that first conflict between the Heroic Code and Christianity. Complete polar opposites are the two, favoring blood- shed and vengeance, family, and praising the king who led them into battle. Christianity on the other hand is all about showing one another kindness and grace. There must have been confusion when these tribes were first introduced to this way of life. But the more and more these stories of God were told, people’s lives changed and they started to be moved.It’s the idea of God being the creator of the earth that we see next, â€Å"the clear song of a skilled poet telling with mastery of man’s beginnings, how the Almighty had made the earth a gleaming plain girdled with waters† (Beowulf 90-93). Aside from showing that God was creator of all earth, we find that repentance is taking place, â€Å"But blessed is he who after death can approach the Lord and find friendship in the Father’s embrace† (Beowulf 186-188). They were unfamiliar with the Lord and had their many other gods to go to, to seek help for different things.Then they started seeking help from the Lord, who in return gives them calm waters to safely travel back home and the people are extremely grateful and moved by his presence in their lives. In the end, there was a great purpose behind the composition of this difficult and complex storyline. It was in a time of life where everything was done the people’s way. They were reluctant at first when hearing about God but soon saw what he was capable of and ended up following him. Beowulf's claim to kingship is a matter of his military prowess as much as it is by birth.We also learn that what we consider virtues today were not considered at the time. Celibacy, or even monogamy was not of any interest to the Anglo Saxons. It was very acceptable for warriors to have relationships with multiple partners. Also, humility and modesty was seen as a flaw. Not only were heroes expected to be physically brave, strong, and victorious, they were expected to brag about it. A warrior was meant to succeed. Not only to win, but to triumph. The ideal was to have one's stories live on in epic poems, and the only way to assure that was to make sure people knew of one's deeds.It also suggests a bit of the Anglo-Saxon structure. The fact that â€Å"the main action occurs in the Mead Hall, and that people sleep there, shows the importance of this central building† (Bloom). The Beowulf that we read today is unlike the Beowulf with which the first Anglo-Saxon audiences were familiar. Beowulf can be considered â€Å"one of the most compelling stories in the English language†, and most certainly is considered the first English masterpiece to be written (Bloom). â€Å"Originally the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian invaders experienced a large-scale conversion to Christianity at the end of the sixth century† (Perrello).Beowulf is a hero, representing courage, concern for his own people as well as foreign people, and pride. However, this novel shows a lot of controversy. Beowulf is filled with Christian teachings, cu lture, and pagan tradition. The values of the Anglo-Saxons were mainly their faith and their success as a warrior. In Beowulf, warriors were expected to create a self-image of fame. Being a warrior required winning. You had to die an honorable death if you were the loser. Only the best warriors went to Valhalla. They always thought God was in control of fate and nobody can change it because all the decisions have been made.The values of the Anglo-Saxon people didn’t vary along a wide range. They all believed in the same thing, thought the same thing, honored the same people, and stood for who they were as people. â€Å"Nature is accommodating, and the forces of death are controllable. Fate is neither blind, nor random in its choice of victims; rather, fate is likewise dependent on certain criteria, such as the character of the person whom is experiencing fate† (Johnson 18). Their destiny was chosen for them by God and there was nothing they could do to change that.Beow ulf follows the virtues most important to the Anglo-Saxon culture being as their religion, militaristic nature, and values. Beowulf is also a prime example of an Anglo-Saxon literary work. â€Å"The Anglo-Saxon era was defined by a heroic code found in the people of that culture† (Johnson 19). This was exemplified through qualities such as bravery, honor, and strength. In Beowulf, the character of Beowulf depicts an Anglo-Saxon warrior traveling lands and fighting fierce monsters to glorify himself and achieve his ultimate goal of fame. Works Cited â€Å"Beowulf†. The Norton Anthology: English Literature.Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. 8th Ed. New York: Norton, 2006. 26-97. Print Bloom, Harold. â€Å"Background to Beowulf†. Bloom’s Literary Reference Online. Chelsea House Publishing, 2008. Web. 5 Feb. 2012. Johnson, David and Elaine Treharne, eds. Readings in Medieval Texts: Interpreting Old and Middle English Literature. NY: Oxford University Press, 2005. Perrel lo, Tony. â€Å"Religion in Beowulf†. Bloom’s Literary Reference Online. McClinton- Temple. 2011. Web. 5 Feb. 2012. Watson, Robert. â€Å"Beowulf†. Bloom’s Literary Reference Online. The Facts on File Conpanion to British Poetry, 2009. Web. 4 Feb. 2012 Beowulf Essay James Robinson 3/18/13 English 12 Beowulf Argument In the poem Beowulf it has been argued whether or not Beowulf shows pagan or Christian values or even both. however if one reads the poem and analysis closely you can see that Beowulf upholds both Christian and pagan values. The bravery and courage that Beowulf became so famous for shows his heroic and pagan values however he also shows Christian values by protecting and treating all of his people equally and by fighting the dragon alone and giving the gold to the people even if he did survive the final battle with the dragon.The dragon that Beowulf fights to the death at the end of the poem shows Beowulf's Christian values because Beowulf agrees to fight the dragon by himself as a selfish act of bravery and love for his people and men. Beowulf tell his men not to help him because he knows the danger he must face and he knows it could be his last battle and doesn't want to put any of his men in danger. In Ogilvy's Beowulf's Heroic de ath Ogilvy agrees that Beowulf fights the dragon alone â€Å"in sake of his men. Beowulf also tells his people not to bury the dragons treasure with him if he dies but to instead give it back to the people. This shows Beowulf compassion and kindness towards his people. If Beowulf only showed Pagan values then he would not have fought the dragon alone and he would have kept the treasure for himself to help better his glory and fame . However Beowulf also shows his pagan values because he boast about killing Grendel which a true Christian would not boast about killing anyone.Beowulf also shows Pagan values because he does his carries out his duty as king to protect the people even though it means his death which a true pagan hero would do. He also tells his men to divide the treasure between the people if he does not survive the battle between the dragon because Pagans believed in gift giving and gold sharing as part of their culture. In Goldsmith's The corruption of Beowulf goldsmit h agrees that Beowulf shows his pagan values of bravery, strength and duty as a king â€Å"his motives where arrogant elf-confidence, and if there is added to it a desire for gain, the hero's bold action is spiritually perilous. Overall this shows Beowulf Pagan values along with his Christian values and how there uphold. The overall understanding of Beowulf is that it could be argued either way of the Pagan and Christian values. However Beowulf really shows us both Pagan and Christian values you just have to analyze the reading for traits that show both the Pagan and Christian values of Beowulf.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Outline For The Prince Essays - Monarchy, Feudalism, Free Essays

Outline For The Prince Essays - Monarchy, Feudalism, Free Essays Outline For The Prince Outline for The Prince I. The basics - all dominions are acquired through either fortune (hereditary or exploitable circumstances) or ability (virt - strength, courage, skill, desperate measures; not a reference to moral virtue) II. Hereditary rulers have an easier time keeping power and regaining it because they have less cause and less need to offend than a new one. Unless a hereditary ruler does something truly despicable the people will of him and fight to keep him in power. If a stronger force strips him of the title, he will have an easier time regaining it, because of the necessary cruelties of his overthrowers force on the people make them more affectionate for him. III. Mixed principalities occur when the people overthrow their ruler to join an established neighboring regime in an attempt to improve their lives. This never improves them. The occupying force always injures the new principality, thereby costing their goodwill, yet force cannot be used against them because the new ruler is obligated to them. Therefore, they can neither be satisfied nor forced. Conquering the second time allows the ruler to use force by using the rebellion as an excuse - this makes the lands easier to keep. If customs are the same between the current and soon to be conquered holdings, all one must do is extinguish the ruling family and alter neither the laws nor the taxes. If language, customs ,and laws are different then the prince must make one of three ruling choices. He can either: A. live there - a rulers presence makes it easier to learn of and squash rebellions, installs either love or fear, and keeps potential attackers away for fear of battle and swift retribution. B. colonize - this only offends those who are dispossessed to house your troops and they will have no recourse. C. use a large force of troops - this method is both expensive and annoying to the residents of the new principality. Tip from the Romans - colonize, protect lesser powers without increasing their strength, reduce strong and threatening powers, do not let foreign powers gain footing in neighboring areas. IV. Lands ruled by single rulers are easier to gain and maintain control of than those with a central leader but a number of barons or minor lords (more insurrection, more choices for the people to follow, more threats to your absolute rule). V. The best ways to govern lands had their own lord are: A. destroy it - replace it with your laws (the best choice) B. live there - to keep personal control of things (second best option) C. accept tribute from the near area but leave the laws unchanged - set-up a government to keep it friendly to you. With this method the risks of overrule are still apparent, however the people now in government will do everything they can to keep you in power so that they can stay in power. VI. Nothing is more difficult than establishing a government,; for he who introduces it makes enemies of all who prospered under the old regime and finds but lukewarm defenders from those who stand to benefit from the new one. VII. Those who rise due to good fortune depend entirely on the will and fortune of those who installed them. They rise quickly to the top, but have neither the knowledge nor the power to remain there. Here begin to stress point that people are tools to be used when necessary to gain a desired end. As an example, cite the story of the Duke of Valention (a.k.a. Cesare Borgia) who set a harsh taskmaster with free reign for his cruelties to rule over a new province. Once the man had settled the area to the Dukes satisfaction the Duke noted that the people blamed him for hid dominions cruelty. The Duke rewarded Remirro (the taskmaster) for his work on the Dukes behalf by affixing all the blame upon him. When the people strode into the public square of Cesena they found Remirros body split in two and left for public display. He was found laying next to a wooden block with a blood-stained knife resting beside it. The people were gratified by the Dukes vengeance and never realized that

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Health assessment is an evaluation of the health status of an individual by performing a physical examination after obtaining a health history. The WritePass Journal

Health assessment is an evaluation of the health status of an individual by performing a physical examination after obtaining a health history. Introduction Health assessment is an evaluation of the health status of an individual by performing a physical examination after obtaining a health history. IntroductionCaseVital signsHealth historyPhysical examination  InspectionAuscultationPercussionPalpationDifferent outcome of careConclusionReferencesRelated Introduction Health assessment is an evaluation of the health status of an individual by performing a physical examination after obtaining a health history. (Mosbys Medical Dictionary, 2009) At the followings, I choose abdomen case in health assessment to apply on a client I had been caring in my past clinical practice. To diagnose, monitor, and treat client’s conditions, abdominal assessment skills are essential and it can be anticipate a different outcome of care to this client. Case Here is the case that I choose in my past clinical practice. Mr. Lee, a 26-year-old male, complains of severe abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea since yesterday. States that he ate dinner yesterday at Eastern and Western restaurant and 5-6 hours later noted cramping, diarrhea and vomiting. Has had a watery, brownish stool about every hour since yesterday. No loner vomiting or crampy. Vital signs When Mr. Lee sent to our ward, I began the physical examination by taking his vital signs. Vital signs provide data that reflect the status of several body systems. After taking his vital signs, I started to ask him some health history, his lifestyle health practices. Health history is an excellent way to begin the assessment process because it lays the groundwork for identifying nursing problems and provide a focus for the physical examination. (Weber Kelley, 2010) Health history The health history that I asked are included present health, past health history, family history, lifestyle and health practices. In present health I asked some questions such as â€Å"Are you experiencing abdominal pain?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"How did the pain begin†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Where is the pain located?†Those questions are want to ascertain the chief complaint. Then I asked something about nutrition, appetite, nausea and vomiting, recent change in eating pattern or foods, recent weight loss or gain. Allergies on food or medications. Past health history that I asked are his previous gastrointestinal problems, such as peptic ulcer, intestinal obstruction or gallbladder disease. History of major illnesses, such as cancer (type), arthritis (specify steroid or aspirin use), kidney disease, cardiac disease, respiratory disease(steroid use), any blood transfusions, DM, hypertension, needle exposure and hepatitis vaccination status. After taking past health history, I asked him something about family health history. â€Å"Is there a history of any of the following diseases or disorders in your family: colon, stomach, pancreatic, liver, kidney or bladder cancer; liver disease?† And the last one that I asked in health history is lifestyle health practices. Asked him about activities of daily living, his abilities for self-care, also asked his psychosocial history, such as cigarette smoking status (number of packs/day and number of years of habit) , alcohol intake(usual amounts and frequency), recent stressful life events.( Mcgough, 2003) After checking Mr. Lee vital signs and his health history, I started to summaries some data that I collected, Mr. Lee had a watery, brownish stool about every hour since yesterday. No longer vomiting or crampy. Denies blood or mucus in stools. States is usually healthy. No chronic illnesses. Denies history of constipation, indigestion, weight changes, or change in appetite. Has not taken any medications. No family history of liver, peptic ulcer, or kidney disease. Smokes one packs/day x 8 years; non-drinker. Denies increased stress or major life changes; states family situation is good; lives with parents and his brother. His vital signs: Bp 116/72, pulse73, respiration18, temperature 37.7 °C. When I finished ask Mr. Lee’s health history and check his vital signs. I found that I am more understood Mr. Lee’s situation so that I can provide some appropriate care for him. However I think I am not doing enough health assessment on this case. To care this case again, I think I will ask Mr. Lee’s health history and check his vital signs, also try to have physical examination on Mr. Lee. Physical examination Physical examination of the abdomen includes all four methods of examination (inspection, auscultation, percussion and palpation). In the abdominal examination, auscultation is done before percussion and palpation because stimulation by pressure on the bowel cal alter bowel motility and heighten bowel sounds. ( Barkauskas, Baumann Darling-Fisher, 2002) First I will help Mr. Lee to relax. It is an important prerequisite to performing a thorough examination of the abdomen. Mr. Lee should have an empty bladder before the examination begins. He needs to be in a comfortable supine position with arms at the sides. To help him to relax the stomach muscles, place a small pillow under the head and ask the client to flex the knees slightly. The examination room should be warm enough so that the client will not shiver. The abdomen must be fully exposed. ( Barkauskas, Baumann Darling-Fisher, 2002) Moreover I need to prepare some equipment. Stethoscope(with bell and diaphragm) to listen to bowel and vascular sounds, Centimeter ruler to measure liver span, Marking pen to mark borders of organs, small pillows to position client. To describe clearly the location of organs and the areas of pain or tenderness, the abdomen can be divided into four quadrants. An imaginary vertical line is drawn from the sternum down to the pubic bone through the umbilicus, and a second line is drawn perpendicular to the first line through the umbilicus. Start the assessment in the RLQ, proceeding in a clockwise direction. Different abdominal quadrant is stand for different organs, such as right upper quadrant stand for duodenum, gallbladder ( Barkauskas, Baumann Darling-Fisher, 2002).   Inspection First for inspection, it means systemic and thorough visual examination of the abdomen. Observe the coloration of the skin. Abdominal skin maybe paler than the general skin tone because this skin is so seldom exposed to the natural elements. Moles and striae (silvery-white lines caused by rapid stretching of the skin) are common findings. A network of fine veins may be seen around the umbilicus and abdomen and gently pinch and release a fold of skin to assess turgor( the skin should return quickly to normal) (Weber Kelley, 2010). The observation of skin lesions or nodules is of particular significance because gastrointestinal alterations are frequently associated with skin changes. Inspection of the abdomen for scars may yield valuable data concerning previous surgery or trauma. The size and shape of scars are best described through the use of a drawing of the abdomen on which the landmarks or quadrants are shown the dimensions are noted in centimeters ( Barkauskas, Baumann Darling-Fisher, 2002). To inspect Mr. Lee’s abdominal contour. Look across the abdomen at eye level from the client’s side, from behind the client’s head, and from the foot of the bed. Measure abdominal girth as indicated. In normal findings abdomen is flat, rounded or scaphoid. Abdomen should be evenly rounded. (Weber Kelley, 2010) Assess abdominal symmetry. Look at the Mr. Lee’s abdomen as he lies in a relaxed supine position. Abdomen is symmetric in normal finding. Inspect abdominal movement when the client breathes. Abdominal respiratory movement may be seen, especially in male clients because men exhibit predominantly abdominal movement with respiration. Observe aortic pulsations and peristaltic waves. The normal findings are that a slight pulsation of the abdominal aorta, which is visible in the epigastrium, extends full length in thin people. Normally peristaltic waves are not seen although they may be visible in very thin people ( Barkauskas, Baumann Darling-Fisher, 2002). Auscultation Secondly, auscultation follows inspection and provides valuable information about gastrointestinal motility and underlying abdominal vessels and organs. (Cox C Stegall M, 2009) Start auscultation, both the stethoscope and the nurse hands should be warm. If they are cold, they may initiate a contraction of the abdominal muscles. To listen to the relatively high-pitched abdominal intestinal sounds, use the diaphragm of the stethoscope, which accentuates the higher-pitched sounds. Use the bell of the stethoscope to listen for low-pitched arterial bruits and venous hums. ( Barkauskas, Baumann Darling-Fisher, 2002) Peristaltic sounds. Normal bowel sounds are high-pitched, gurgling noises that occur approximately every 5 to 15 to 20 seconds or roughly one bowel sound for each breath sound. The frequency of sounds is related to the presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract or to the state of digestion. A silent abdomen indicates the arrest of intestinal motility. Flick the abdominal wall with a finger to stimulate peristalsis. Peristaltic sounds maybe quite irregular, so it is essential to listen for at least 15 minutes before concluding the absence of bowel sounds. ( Barkauskas, Baumann Darling-Fisher, 2002) Auscultate for vascular sounds. Use the bell of the stethoscope to listen for bruits (low-pitched, murmurlike sound) over the abdominal aorta and renal, iliac, and femoral arteries. Furthermore, auscultate for a friction rub over the liver and spleen. Listen over the right and left lower rib cage with the diaphragm of the stethoscope. No friction rub over liver or spleen is present in normal finding. (Weber Kelley, 2010) Percussion In addition, abdominal percussion aids in determining the size and location of abdominal organs. Percussion also aids in the assessment of excessive accumulation of fluid or air in the abdomen. As in auscultation, a systematic approach should be used in percussing all four quadrants. Percussion sounds vary depending on the density of the organ and the underlying structures. Dull sounds are heard over dense structures, like the liver and spleen, and tympanic sounds are heard over air filled structures (Cox C Stegall M, 2009). To determine the size of the liver, begin percussion in the right midclavicular line at a level below the umbilicus. Start percussion over a region of gas-filled bowel and progress upward toward the liver. The first dull percussion note indicates the lower border of the liver. Mark the lower border on the abdomen. The usual liver span is 6 to 12 cm in the midclavicular line and 4 to 8 cm in the midsternal line( Barkauskas, Baumann Darling-Fisher, 2002). Percussion for tympany and dullness. Percussthe spleen. Begin posterior to the left mid-axillary line (MAL)., and percuss downward, noting the change from lung resonance to splenic dullness. (Weber Kelley, 2010). Morever, percussion note of the gastric air bubble is lower-pitched tympany than that of the intestine. Another percussion method used in the abdominal examination is fist percussion, which causes the tissue to vibrate rather than produce sound. Palpation Palpation is the final component in an abdominal assessment and is used to assess the organs of the abdominal cavity, to detect muscle spasm, tumours, fluid and areas of tenderness. It is a sophisticated skill that involves the use of the hands and fingers to gather information about the size, shape, mobility, consistency and tension of abdominal contents through the sense of touch. Touch is considered therapeutic, and is the actuality of ‘laying on of hands’. Palpation of the abdomen is a particularly sensitive matter; therefore, the nurse’s approach should be gentle. (Cox C Stegall M, 2009) Different outcome of care This selected assessment might anticipate a different outcome of care Mr. Lee, it is because it can let me know more information about him and it can find a source of his diseases. After performing an inspection examination on Mr. Lee, he is flat no visible masses, pulsations or peristalsis. Also he has hyperactive bowel sounds in all four quadrants in auscultation. Tympany in all four quadrants on percussion. He has tenderness over epigastric area; slight tenderness in all four quadrants; no masses or organomegaly; negative Murphy and Mcburney’s sign. Finally all health assessment is done; I found that he was suffering from acute gastroenteritis in rule out food poisoning. Sometimes the signs of symptoms in acute gastroenteritis are 10053848-Yim Wing Chi-NURS S305F  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   10 nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malnutrition and fever (Mingpao, 2011).Compare with physical assessment, if only check Mr. Lee’s history and vital signs, the care that I provide surely is not enough, so that a complete health assessment can help me to find appropriate method to care Mr. Lee and make a professional clinical judgment. After taking all health assessment, I know how to care Mr. Lee. I will maintain adequate fluid intake with appropriate rehydrating solutions. Never rehydrate with water alone because it does not contain adequate amounts of sodium, potassium, and other important nutrients. Take stool sample and blood for culture. Give ice pad when Mr. Lee has fever. (Hong Kong Hospital Authority, 2007) Conclusion All in all, a complete and well health assessment aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan, it is useful to use in clinical field and it might anticipate a different outcome of care to client after all health assessment is done. References Barkauskas, V.H., Baumann, L.C. Darling-Fisher, C.S. (2002). Health physical assessment (3rd ed.).Arizona: Mosby. Cox, C., Stegall, M.(2009). A step-by-step guide to performing a complete abdominal examination. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 7 (1),10-17. Hospital Authority.(2007). Gastroenteritis〔Brochure〕.Hong Kong:Hong Kong Government press. Mcgough, K. (2003). Home health nursing assessment and care planning.(4th ed.).Arizona: Mosby. Mosbys Medical Dictionary .(2009). Health Assessment. 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Monday, November 4, 2019

Five Police Convicted Of Murder in Thailand Research Paper

Five Police Convicted Of Murder in Thailand - Research Paper Example The police arrested the teenager mainly because of thieving a motorcycle. By hearing this news, the family members visited the police station and endeavoured to talk with Kiettisak. However, with this attempt, after certain days, the mutilated body of the teenager was found in the neighbouring province of the police station. In this particular situation, the family members of the teenager launched a campaign to investigate the above discussed matter with validated responses. It is worth mentioning in this regard that due to the initiative taken by the family members of the teenager in the form of launching campaign against the case, the court finally reached its verdict (Asian Human Rights Commission, 2012). The article provided valuable and relevant information about the justice system, which is currently prevailing in Thailand, can be gained. In this similar context, based on the article, it can be ascertained that the existing criminal justice system in Thailand represents the absence of jury system in the nation and the police are mainly overburdened with varied legal activities. This can be justified with reference to the article where the police officers were held responsible to investigate the matter, but the final verdict was viewed to be provided by the Criminal Court (Asian Human Rights Commission, 2012). Apart from this, it has been quite apparent from the article that it is quite possible to file any sort of criminal charge privately in Thailand, wherein cases are not essentially referred to a public prosecutor. This exactly happened in the case of murdering the teenager wherein his family members made deliberate efforts in filing the criminal case in the form of conducting campaigns to investigate the case and reach into a final verdict (Asian Human Rights Commission, 2012). Â  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Topics in Literature English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Topics in Literature English - Essay Example Characterization can be a simple or a complex process. Basically, characterization is what characters "say" and "do" (The National Library Literacy Strategy, 2001, p. 2). Each character is seen as being made up of a number of dimensions: sense of identity, age, gender, religious persuasion, temperament, physical appearance, values, expectations, dreams, disappointments, inadequacies and loss, to name a few. The Shreklisch Onion Layer Model of characterization stresses that the psychological profile of the fictional character must incorporate emotions, back-story, beliefs, practices and intentions (Wikipedia, 2006). It is by way of the language and actions of the character within the text that the reader is able to understand what are happening and why, without having to be told directly (i.e. indirect characterization). Although, with fiction that presents a completely new dimension of existence it may be necessary to spell out character specifics to the reader, due to the ambiguity inherent in novel texts (i.e., direct characterization). In most novels, plays, and essays, characterization develops along with the storyline and functions to support the fictional themes. Characters take time to create for an author, as they are getting to know another person, and aspects of who they are and how they interpret their world and respond to it in a way that is contingent on their values, requires the author to reflect on their own ways of thinking and behaving. A story may be completed driven by its characters; they are the key to unlocking the story. In such cases, the plot tends to come first, like a seed crystal of an idea that radiates out patterns of complexity and beauty in storylines as it creates the possibilities for characters to arise from the situations or settings (The National Library Literacy Strategy, 2001).The physical description of a character provides the reader with a general framework about the 'person': age, gender, ethnicity, physical appearance, style of dress, geo-historical location, and the way t he character moves. The reactions and responses of the character give the reader insight into the character's core values and attitudes (English Online, 1998). The dialogue of each character can provide the reader with deeper psychological insight of the character. The language that a character uses, their use of intonation, as well as use of pauses and silences, can instil in the reader the true feelings of what that character is experiencing. The surroundings enrich the background for the reader, making the characters more believable and understandable. This detail needs to incorporate all of the character's senses and perceptions of the setting. It is the author's ability to sew together the dialogue, reactions and descriptions that enables characterization to occur (The National Library Literacy Strategy, 2001). It is important that the author be aware that characters need to develop due to their fictional experiences, in order to come to life and 'be real". However, it is also essential that each character have a consistency of character as well, and it is this balance that leads the author through the characterization process.Ultimately, characterization requires the author develop characters by giving them; identity (e.g., have a name, appearance, values, temperament); creating