Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Anorexia Nervosa

ever. An estimated one thousand females will die each year from anorexia. About eighty percent of females suffer from a sub clinical eating disorder and twenty percent will turn into full-blown anorexics in their lifetime. These are statistics that we know of. Many young girls who are suffering from Anorexia will hide it well, many of their closest relatives, and friends won’t even realize what is going on. Once again if thousands of people die, that is no way of life. â€Å"Anna† the code name for Anorexia is a disease and people need to realize this. Once you become affiliated with â€Å"Anna† you go through a very powerful struggle to keep the illness from taking over your life. A way of life huh? I find this statement repulsive. â€Å"Anna† is a serious problem, that needs medical treatment. Many people suffering from this illness, may not even realize what’s going on. They may not realize that rapid weigh loss or restricted eating is a serio us problem. Anorexia may not be noticed in the early stages because it often starts as an innocent diet. Many often become hyperactive because they exercise frantically in an attempt to burn calories to lose weight. Even though the anorexic is emaciated, the individual still ... Free Essays on Anorexia Nervosa Free Essays on Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa Most people say that Anorexia Nervosa is a way of life, I disagree with that. Anorexia Nervosa, is not a way of life, it is a very dangerous eating disorder that usually strikes teenage girls, and women between the ages of fifteen and thirty five. How can you call an eating disorder a way of life? Many female girls struggle with appearance, I for one am very time consuming with my looks. I spend lots of time prepping in front of the full body mirror, along with the millions of other females in this world. The one word that you can walk down the street and are guaranteed to hear come from a females mouth is â€Å"I’m fat†. These two words can be the most harmful and dangerous words ever. An estimated one thousand females will die each year from anorexia. About eighty percent of females suffer from a sub clinical eating disorder and twenty percent will turn into full-blown anorexics in their lifetime. These are statistics that we know of. Many young girls who are suffering from Anorexia will hide it well, many of their closest relatives, and friends won’t even realize what is going on. Once again if thousands of people die, that is no way of life. â€Å"Anna† the code name for Anorexia is a disease and people need to realize this. Once you become affiliated with â€Å"Anna† you go through a very powerful struggle to keep the illness from taking over your life. A way of life huh? I find this statement repulsive. â€Å"Anna† is a serious problem, that needs medical treatment. Many people suffering from this illness, may not even realize what’s going on. They may not realize that rapid weigh loss or restricted eating is a serio us problem. Anorexia may not be noticed in the early stages because it often starts as an innocent diet. Many often become hyperactive because they exercise frantically in an attempt to burn calories to lose weight. Even though the anorexic is emaciated, the individual still ...

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